These blocks are ideal for quick construction as the Interlocking Concrete Blocks simply fit together in much the same way as childrens building bricks and can be taken down and re-used over and over again. They can be fitted together very quickly to save time and with minimal labour, one man with a machine or crane and one slinger can build large structures very quickly.
Concrete Blocks A Perfect Solution
The perfect solution to the lengthy and costly construction of partition walls or bays, storage of aggregate, flood defences, control erosion, river bank repairs, traffic management, traffic calming, security wall, silage pits, other agricultural applications, Scrap merchant's bays, recycling centres and more.
Standard site equipment - forklifts/telehandlers/small cranes
The clever design (which incorporates a cast in lifting pin which is flush with the concrete surface) allows the blocks to be easily dry laid onto any firm surface, quickly.